Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1234 Mongol ba'adur
Subjectba'adur 'hero'
Culture: Mongol
Setting: Great Mongol empire, Asia 13thc
Object: armor

Irving Arts Center > Genghis Khan: The Exhibit *
"Korean Tribute Helmet  Iron  1350  The Koreans, who were under the Mongol rule from 1259 to 1392,
 paid tribute (tax) to the Mongols in weapons and armor.  This is one such piece."

​* Irving Arts Center > Genghis Khan: The Exhibit
"Chain-mail armor  Iron  13th-14th century" ...

​FKA *
event photos <

* Metropolitan Museum of Art > Stone Gallery of Arms and Armor
"War Mask  Mongolian or Tibetan, 12th-14th century ...
Masks from Tibet and Mongolia for use in ritual dances and other ceremonies are relatively common and were made from papier-mâché, leather, or gilt copper.  This mask, however, is exceptionally rare because it is a war mask rather than a ritual mask and is made of iron.  It is one of only two known masks of this type with distinctly Mongolian or Tibetan features.  Bronze and silver war masks were used during the Roman Empire and in the Ancient Near East.  We know of iron war masks from southern Ukraine and Russia (10th-13th century), from Iran (13th-16th century), and from Japan, where they were worn by Samurai warriors (15th-19th century).  This example provides a unique Centural Asian link in the use of war masks from the western steppes of Europe to the eastern edges of Asia." ...

​* Irving Arts Center > Genghis Khan: The Exhibit

* Irving Arts Center > Genghis Khan: The Exhibit
Irving Arts Center > Genghis Khan: The Exhibit *
"Plated Armor  Iron, cotton  13th-14th century" ...

​* Royal Armouries Museum > Oriental Gallery
"Helmet skull  
Mongolian, probably 13th century
Originally fitted with a fabric or lamellar neck-guard attached to the lower edge of the helmet by rivets, this helmet is decorated in silver overlay with Chinese-style lions, and with Tibetan Buddhist lamas (priests), shown in a stylised form used from the 9th to the 14th century." ...