Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>References in Print
>>English B

References in Print -- English B

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Brotton, Jerry 2016. The sultan and the queen: The untold story of Elizabeth and Islam. ISBN 9780525428824
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Brummett, Palmira 2000. Image & imperialism in the Ottoman revolutionary press, 1908-1911. ISBN 0791444643
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Brundage, Burr Cartwright 1979. The fifth sun: Aztec gods, Aztec world. ISBN 0292724381
Brunk, Terence; Diamond, Suzanne; Perkins, Priscilla; & Ken Smith 1997. Literacies: Reading, writing, interpretation. ISBN 0393970434
Brunner, Bernd 2007. Bears: A brief history. ISBN 9780300143126
Brunt, Peter; Thomas, Nicholas; Mallon, Sean; Bolton, Lissant; Brown, Deidre; Skinner, Damian; & Susanne Küchler 2012. Art in Oceania: A new history. ISBN 9780300190281
Brunvand, Jan Harold 1993. The baby train & other lusty urban legends. ISBN 0393312089
Bruun, Geoffrey 1958. Revolution and reaction 1848-1852. LCCN 588607
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BryceTrevor & Adam Hook 2007. Hittite warrior. ISBN 9781846030819
Brzezinski, Richard & Richard Hook 1993. The army of Gustaphus Adolphus 2 cavalry. ISBN 0855323508
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Bunn, Mike Clay Williams 2008. Battle for the southern frontier: The Creek War and the War of 1812. ISBN 9781596293717
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Buonaventura, Wendy 1998. Serpent of the Nile: Women and dance in the Arab world. ISBN 1566563003
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