Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>50000BP Proto-Australian

Subject: hunter-gatherer
Culture: proto-Australian
Setting: human settlement / megafauna extinction, Australia ~70,000-30,000BP
Evolution100,000BP Early Modern Human > ... > 50,000BP Proto-Australian

Context (Event Photos, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Field Notes)


* Oakes 2003 p65
"Having to cope with a cooler climate than that of modern Australia, the first people wore more clothing than Aborigines in historical times did, perhaps making garments like the possum-skin cloaks once worn in Victoria."


* Oakes 2003 p64
"There is no direct evidence revealing the kind of wooden tools the first Aborigines possessed, but they almost certainly had the two items common to all hunter-gatherer cultures: the spear and the digging stick (used by women for gathering food and occasionally for fighting).  Stone spearheads were not required, perhaps because wooden or bone spearheads were not required, perhaps because wooden or bone spearheads were perfectly serviceable for hunting big game.  Another weapon common in Australia today is the throwing stick, so we can speculate that the first people had these.  True boomerangs were not invented until much later."