Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1800BC Single Grave

Subject: warrior
Culture: Single Grave / late Corded Ware culture
Setting: Dagger Period, Scandinavia 1800-1500BC

Context (Event Photos, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Field Notes)

* Carnegie Museum of Natural History
"DAGGER PERIOD  The influence of metal-working peoples in other parts of Europe began having an effect on the Single Grave people of Denmark about 1800 B.C.  Changes in culture are reflected in the fact that the typical artifacts of 1800 to about 1500 B.C. were long, slim, beautiful daggers and spear-heads copied after metal weapons but made of flint."


* Capwell 2011 p12
"The earliest examples from the Dagger Period have long, narrow blades and are roughly diamond-shaped in profile.  One half of the diamond functioned as the grip or handle but was not as finely worked as the other end, the blade, which had precise pressure-flaked edges and a passable point.  The handle end on later examples gradually loses its taper, becoming more straight-sided, while the cross-section is rounder for a more comfortable grip.  Finally, the butt of the handle becomes flared to improve the grip even further.  The fully-fledged dagger of this period, in addition to the well-formed grip and butt, generally displays a graceful, leaf-shaped blade that has been cunningly strengthened by broadening and thickening only where necessary."