Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>793 Viking hersir
Subjecthersir sea raider
Culture: Scandinavian / Norse
Setting: Viking Age, northern Europe 8th-10thc
Object: jewelry


* Ashby/Leonard 2018 p73
"In the Viking Age, small hammer-shaped pendants were popularly worn as protective amulets.  The miniature hammers symbolize the Norse god Thor, whose weapon of choice was his hammer, Mjølnir.  Although the motif is consistent, the form, method of construction, and nature and intensity of ornament on the amulets are highly variable."

​* Haywood 2000 p130
"Mjöllnir (Miollnir)  The hammer of the thunder-god Thor, Mjöllnir was essential to the defence of Asgard and gave protection to humans against evil and violence. Forged by the dwarves, the hammer, when thrown, had the property of always hitting its target before returning to the thrower's hand. Marriages and newborn children were consecrated by Mjöllnir. Thor's hammer amulets were commonly worn by pagan Vikings as good-luck charms."

​* All about History: Book of Vikings 2015 p100 caption
"... Thor's hammer amulets ... were probably worn as a sign of devotion to Thor and their popularity may have been a reaction to the wearing of crucifixes by Christians."


Nurmann/Schulze/Verhülsdonk 1997 43 caption
"Bracelets ... were worn by both men and women; they served not only as jewellery but also as currency.  For this purpose they could even be hacked to pieces if small amounts of silver were needed.  Often the twisted silver wires were decorated with animal head motifs; some finds are also made from different precious metals, e.g. combinations of silver with bronze or gold."


* Graham-Campbell/Kidd 1980 p113
"A belt completed the basic outfit, and from it hung such objects as a knife, comb or purse." 

​* Walkup 1950 p75
"From this belt knives, daggers, and other small weapons were suspended."