Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>450 Teotihuacan noble
Subject: noble
Culture: Teotihuacan
Setting: central Mexico 3rd-8thc 

Context (Event Photos, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Field Notes)


* Sayer 1985 p25
"[C]ostume was clearly a preoccupation with Teotihuacan's rulers, who almost certainly used clothing and adornment as a way of reflecting status.
"The mural paintings provide valuable information about male dress.  At its simplest it consisted of a loincloth with a single end hanging down behind, but some examples show the ends falling to front and back.  Also portrayed were male aprons, worn with a sash, and hip-cloths.  A further range of garments included kilts, capes and voluminous tunics which may have been closed xicolli.  The sleeveless jacket, or open-fronted xicolli, was also represented.  Most of the personages depicted were dignitaries, priests and warriors, and it seems likely that these costume elements reflected their position in society.  Although the stylisation of the murals occasionally makes it difficult to identify all the details of dress, many garments appear to be decoratively finished with fringes and feathers.  Head-dresses were varied, often emulating animals and birds, and exhibiting a profusion of exotic plumes.  High-backed sandals were frequently shown, together with necklaces, bracelets and ear-plugs, to which dangling adornments were sometimes added."


* Berrin & Pasztory eds. 1993
* Braswell 2003