Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1824 Am. mountain man
>>>>primary sources
Subject: 'mountain man' fur trapper
Culture: frontier American
Setting: fur trade, western America early-mid 19thc

* Amon Carter Museum
"Frederic Remington 
The Mountain Man
copyrighted 1903
unnumbered cast #1?, 
Roman Bronze Works ...
Remington depicted a moment in frontier history with this subject of a trapper and horse precariously perched on a steep hillside, their downward motion suspended in mid-stride. The artist described The Mountain Man as an 'old Iriquois [sic] trapper(s) who followed the Fur Companies in the Rocky Mountains in the 30 & 40'ties.'  As he modeled his subject, Remington referred to photographs to help him recreate the realistic motion of the horse and trapper.  Although more than seventy-four numbered casts of this subject are known, fewer than nine appear to have been made in the artist's lifetime.  The unnumbered cast displayed here is the only example found so far that is inscribed with the 1903 date, and it is the most finely detailed of any of the lifetime casts."

* Amon Carter Museum
"Jim Bridger
modeled 1926
California Bronze Foundry, 
Los Angeles, 
cast ca. 1927-28" ...