Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1428 Czech husitský
Subjecthusitský Hussite
Culture: Czech 
Setting: Hussite wars, Bohemia/Germany 15thc

Context (Event Photos, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Field Notes)

* Bennett 2007 p156
"Hussite  medieval term for a Bohemian warrior, derived from the followers of the proto-Protestant cleric Jan Hus, who was burned as a heretic in 1419.  His largely Czech followers, fired by religious fervour, became some of the most feared fighters in Europe.  Under the leadership of Jan Zizka, who used gunpowder weapons and the Wagenburg in an innovative way, they defeated several crusades against them (1415-1435)."

* Bennett 2007 p132
"Great Raids, Hussite  invasions of southern Germany in 1428-31 by the Hussites under Procopius to levy tribute and challenge Catholic religious observance.
    "Procopius attacked Moravia and Silesia in 1428, the Hussites' reputation cowing any opposition.  In 1429 they penetrated as far north as Dresden and then swung back south to Leipzig in Saxony.  In 1430 Procopius advanced to Nuremberg and had the Hussites' Four Articles of faith read in the town square.  Papal crusades failed to recover Bohemia; it was only when the Hussites fell out amongst themselves that they were defeated."


* Bennett 2007 p117
"flail  medieval Bohemian weapon based on the agricultural flail used for winnowing grain.  The Hussites used it as an infantry weapon and also as a symbol to represent their non-aristocratic origins as a popular religious and military movement.  Ball-and-chain attachments usually replaced the original wooden end to the weapon."