Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1296 Plantagenet knight
Subject: knight
Culture: Plantagenet English
Setting: Welsh, Scottish wars, Britain mid 13th-mid 14thc
Object: sword

​Royal Armoruies Museum > Tournament *
​"Boy's Sword  Medieval swords were both practical fighting weapons and important status symbols.
  This is a child-sized version of the sword associateed with medieval knights and was made for a boy of about 7 years old.
  The blade was designed to cut but its flattened diamond cross-section strengthened the blade so that it could also be used for thrusting.
  Possibly English, 1300-50" ...
* Metropolitan Museum of Art > Stone Gallery of Arms and Armor
"Sword  Steel, silver, copper, leather  Western European, about 1400 [sic]  The silver-embellished pommel and the crossguard made of copper (rather than steel) wrapped with silver wire suggest that this sword was intended for presentation or for ceremonial use rather than as a fighting weapon.  The Latin quotation inscribed on the pommel reads in translation, 'Here, too, virtue has its due reward' (Virgil, Aeneid, book I, line 461).  The inscription (now illegible) on the blade is an early example of the use of acid to etch decoration on weapons."

Royal Armouries Museum > War Gallery *
"Arming sword  European, about 1300  The pommel locks together the components of the hilt and counterbalances the weight of the blade.
  This form of pommel appeared in the 11th century and remained popular throughout the Middle Ages.
  The straight cross-guard was simple but effective. The wire-bound grip is a modern restoration." ...
* Factory X
​> event photos

* Higgins Armory Museum
"Sword, 1270-1350
Europe, perhaps France or Italy
Steel  Weight: 2 lb. 13 oz." ...

* Higgins Armory Museum

* cf.
>1380 Venetian cavaliere sword